Unknown Maker(s) - from the collection of Rich and Lee Tillotson

Unknown Makers

Mike Phillips
Mike's website

Rudy Scherer

Dan Braniff

Spike Finch
Spike's website

David MacFarlane III

David's website

Dave Hiller

Bill Woodard
Bill's website

Dale Kechter

Guy Michaels
Guy's website

Jim Davies
Jim's website

John Clarke
John's website

Peter Sewart

Angelo Iafrate

Bruce Lewellyn

Cris Hawkins
Cris's website

Michael Gordon
Mark Buckley
Mark's website

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© 2000 Max Krimmel non-commericial duplication and distribution expected and encouraged

Max Krimmel - 15 Sherwood Road - Nederland, CO 80466 - 303.258.7763